Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) emerged from the front yard lemonade stand of cancer patient Alexandra “Alex” Scott (1996-2004). In 2000, 4-year-old Alex announced that she wanted to hold a lemonade stand to raise money to help find a cure for all children with cancer. Since Alex held that first stand, the Foundation bearing her name has evolved into a national fundraising movement, complete with thousands of supporters across the country carrying on her legacy of hope. To date, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, a registered 501(c)3 charity, has raised more than $150 million toward fulfilling Alex’s dream of finding a cure, funding over 800 pediatric cancer research projects nationally.
Childhood Cancer Stories, powered by Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, is dedicated to telling the emotional tale of every child and family touched by childhood cancer. Each day, 36 kids are diagnosed with cancer in the United States. Those stories are full of strength, perseverance and sometimes heartbreak, but every one is inspirational in its own way.